– When you get over 250 spam emails a day, disconnecting is the dream.
“It smells like vegetable human soup in here.”
– And it tastes like chicken.
“I’m gonna go put some skin on my face.”
– And you thought morning breath was a problem.
“I’ll show you under the curtain a little bit.”
– Happy Valentines Day to me!
“Sometimes your funny goes wrong.”
– Sorta like her sentences.
“I’m not even sure you can cheese.”
– Oh I can. I just choose not to.
“It’s a fan flavourite.”
– Her word soup is very popular.
“I’ve been trying to keep my eyes open for months.”
– Zombie alert.
“Sometimes you can’t help but squint eye.”
– I can sort of see what she means.
“You gotta work on being right.”
– She’s never wrong.
“I think we should take a virginistic approach to this.”
– – She likes to look at words with fresh eyes.